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  • Are DAN Europe First Aid courses regulated by an awarding body.

    DAN Europe is a medically regulated Charity in Europe and UK. As for being regulated in the UK, according to the HSE First aid at work regulations, our courses fit within the HSE Guidelines for First Aid Training Centres. DAN Europe has their own professional body and does their own internal and external quality control. Our certificates have​ been issued for the purposes of complying with the requirements of the Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981;

  • Is first aid taught in accordance with currently accepted first-aid practice?

    Yes it does. DAN teach the first-aid management of injuries and illness, in relation to the topics covered in FAW/EFAW training courses, in accordance with: ■■ current guidelines published by the Resuscitation Council (UK); and ■■ the current edition of the first-aid manual of the Voluntary Aid Societies (St John Ambulance, British Red Cross, St Andrew’s First Aid); or ■■ other published guidelines, provided they are in line with the two above or supported by a responsible body of medical opinion.

  • Training with an e-learning component.

    DAN offer training that is a mix of e-learning and face to face. This is known as blended learning and is an accepted means by which workplace first-aid training can be delivered. DAN ensure that the individuals being trained know how to use the online platform that delivers the training; ■■ DAN has an adequate means of supporting the individual during their training; Instructors are readily available to assist with any training questions. ■■ DAN has a robust system in place to prevent identity fraud; ■■ DAN ensures sufficient time is allocated to classroom-based learning and assessment of the practical elements of the syllabus. Our practical elements of the course are assessed by direct observation, to ensure the competence of our candidates. ■■ DAN has an appropriate means of assessing the e-learning component of the training.

  • Does our first-aid training course cover an appropriate syllabus?

    Yes - First aid at work – Our Training syllabus covers all the topics listed in the HSE Appendix 1. The online training and Practical assessments will be at least 18 hours in total training time. Emergency First aid at work – Our Training syllabus covers all the topics listed in the HSE Appendix 2. The online training and Practical assessments will be at least 6 hours in total training time.

  • Do our certificates issued to students assessed as competent contain appropriate information?

    Yes they do. Our Certificates contain: The certificates should contain: ■■ the name of our training organisation ■■ the name of the candidate; ■■ the title of the qualification (eg FAW or EFAW); ■■ an indication that the certificate has been issued for the purposes of complying with the requirements of the Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981; ■■ confirmation that the certificate is valid for three years; ■■ the commencement date; ■■ a statement that teaching was delivered in accordance with currently accepted first-aid practice;